Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life: no one comes  to the Father but through Me."  John 14:6  
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Byromville Baptist Church
Sharing Jesus With You And The World
713 Patterson Street, Byromville, GA 31007
Sunday School 10am
(Small group Bible study for all ages)   
Worship 11am
Nursery for ages 0-2 available. 
Children's church ages 3 thru 2nd grade first & third Sundays.  
Mountain Movers 6pm
(Youth and children's ministry).
Prayer/Bible Study 6:00pm
Adult Choir Practice 6:45pm
See calendar and below for more events.
Dec. 22 Mountain Movers will meet at 5pm!
5pm Dec. 22
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No Wednesday activities until Jan 8, 2025